Best Selling Products
Fibroid & Ovarian Cysts Treatment
UShs 150,000
Herbal Cleanse & Infusion +Burns Fibroid Tissue +Shrinks Fibroid Tumors +Revitalises the Uterine +Mitigates and retards Cancerous Growth +Interrupts Cancerous Cell Multiplication +Kills Cancerous cells…
Tubal Blockage Cleansing and Treatment
UShs 110,000
+Complications from lower abdominal surgeries such as; C-section, abortion and miscarriages +Fallopian tubes filled with fluid and bloated puss +Bleeding in fallopian tubes resulting in…
Allergy Immunity Herbal Remedy
UShs 50,000
Indoor & Out door Alergies +Skin Body itching +Hives +Sneezing and Runny nose +Itchy Eyes, Nose & Throat +Nasal & Sinus Congestion +Lung Inflamation /…
UShs 30,000
Colon Support Formula +Natural Detoxification. +Chronic Constipation. +Bloating & Gas +Irritable Bowel syndrome +Eliminates Stagnant waste build-up +Removes undigested waste +Strengthens Immunity as your internal…
UShs 30,000
Cellular System Rejuviantion +Enhances general body immunity +Provides Support for Cellular Health +Re-balances Blood & restores the PH level from Acidic to Alkaline +Fights pathogens…
UShs 30,000
+Liver Detoxification +Reduces Liver Inflammation +Increases Bile Circulation +Reduces Insulin Resistance +Regulates hormones +Treats Gallstones +Treats Acne & Eczema from the inside +Prevents Alcoholic Cirrhosis…
Dysmenorrhea-Painful Periods Treatment
UShs 30,000
Menstrual cramps Herbal Tea Blend +Menstrual cramps and heavy menstrual bleeding +Uterine Relaxant and Antispasmodic +Helps lower your levels of pain-causing Prostaglandins +Regulates Pituitary activity…
Ulcers & Gastritis Natural Kit
UShs 125,000
+Alleviates bacteria, including h-pylori, indicated in many stomach ulcers +Reduces inflammation, burning & hyper-acidity +Cleanses gastrointestinal tract +Strengthens & protects the stomach lining +Resolves the…
UShs 130,000
Inflamation and Pain + Cartilage Degeneration + Cleans & Lubricates Joints + Flushes out Uric Acid build-up in Joints + Joint Swelling & Body Inflammation…